LIFE Groups:
An opportunity to connect with others in the congregation more personally and to find hope and help in your relationship with Jesus.

Duane Mattes is leading a GriefShare group. If anyone has any questions or would like the ZOOM link, contact Duane by emailing him at Dmatt9983@gmail.com.
The group meets at the church at 6:00pm and also by ZOOM on Tuesday nights and is open to anyone who is interested. GriefShare helps people who have lost loved ones: parents, spouses, children or best friends.

On Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m., Phyllis Tanner is leading a Bible Study group at the Boyle Center, 149 Genesee St. Auburn. At this time, this group is for residents of the Boyle Center ONLY. The group meets in the Community Room, which is in the lower level of the building, behind the dining area. Please let Phyllis know if you plan on attending or with any questions.
The Men's Group, led by Chuck Wicks, is meeting at the church and ALSO via zoom on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Men who would like to participate can come to the church OR contact Chuck, a call on his cell: 315-209-9383 for more information.